Carine Lisbonne, Bernard Zürcher: L’art, avec pertes ou profit ? : Des compétences de l’art dans l’entreprise
Publisher: Flammarion, Paris, France.
March 22nd, 2007.
Igor Antić: Produits dérivés
(French, English)
In: Expérience Pommery#4, L’emprise du lieu. Bookleet.
Publisher: Beaux-arts éditions, Paris, France.
March 2007.
Suzana Vuksanović: New sculpture in Vojvodina 1980-2000
In: Anomalija, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Publisher: Museum of contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi sad, Serbia.
May 2007.
Sandra Delacourt: L’Emprise du lieu. Une cartographie de l’héritage Burenien.
In: L’art meme. Book. Brussels, Belgium.
The 2nd trimester 2007.
Le vent des Forets
In: L’Est Républicain. Bar-le-Duc, France.
Newspaper from June 24th, July 5th, July 9th, July 12th, July 18th, July 21st and August 4th, 2007.
Igor Antić, Nathalie de Blois, Bernard Shütze: Pour la Serbie, Participation Montréalaise à la 11e Biennale d’arts Visuels de Pancevo
Publisher: Éditions Clark, collection PÉTULA. Montreal, Canada.
September 8th, 2007.
In: Press release, Musée Géo-Charles, Échirolles, France.
September 15th, 2007.
Sanja Kojic-Mladenov: Urban space – place for new art interventions.
(Serbian, English)
In: Sculpture/objects, installations, ambient, interventions/ in public space. Book.
Publisher: Visart, Novi Sad, Serbia.
December 28th, 2007.
Svetlana Mladenov: Igor Antić- In situ.
(Serbian, English)
In: Made in Novi Sad. Book.
Publisher: The Tableau Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Suzana Vuksanović: New sculpture in Vojvodina 1980-2000
Sanja Kojić Mladenov: Lollypop, body and consumption
Sanja Kojić Mladenov: In situ
In: MSUV Recapitulation 2007, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Publisher: Musée d’art contemporain Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Serbie.
Igor Antić: Notes on work
(Serbian, French)
In: Notebook.
December 2007.